Providing Coloradans with the opportunity to watch and listen to the Colorado General Assembly at work.
Colorado Channel Authority Board
As a political subdivision of the state, the CCAB is:
- Not an agency of state government
- Not subject to administrative direction by the state
- Not legally obligated to issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) to select contractors
Stay Informed
The Colorado Channel makes it easy for citizens to access live coverage of Colorado’s General Assembly.
We promote civic awareness and government transparency by providing live access to the GA’s floor work, and educational programing.
Stay informed and learn more below.
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Follow A Bill
Want to follow a particular bill?
Visit the General Assembly's Website to view the bill's progress from introduction to debate to potentially into law!
Visit the General Assembly's Website to view the bill's progress from introduction to debate to potentially into law!
Attend A Committee Meeting
View a list of committees and their meeting schedules so you can make your voice heard on a particular topic or issue.