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The Colorado Channel serves as an educational resource, providing insight into the legislative process and how the public can get involved.


Contact a Legislator

Need to contact your Senator or Representative?

Ask a Question

Wonder why the clerks read so fast? Always been curious about the small goat that sits on the front desk of the House? Submit your questions here and we will post an answer for you within 5 business days.

Listen to Committee Meetings

If you can't make it to a committee meeting or want to hear a past committee meeting, follow this link to find live and archived audio of committee meetings.

Request a Copy of a Recording

Want a recording of a particular vote or debate?
Request a copy of a Colorado Channel recording on disc (fees may apply).
Capital Building

Tour the Capitol

Come visit the beautiful and historic Colorado State Capitol to learn more about the General Assembly.
Tours are available free of charge to the public.

Find Your Legislator

Find out who your local State Representative and Senator are.
Enter your location to see which elected officials are representing your district.

Follow a Bill

Want to follow a particular bill?
Visit the General Assembly's website to view the bill's progress from introduction to debate, and potentially into law!
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Still Have A Question . . .

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Submit your questions here and we will post an answer for you within 5 business days.